(760) 744-6300


Course Material Pages

Each link below is a separate course with materials, videos and classes. If you need assistance on accessing the classes please call the school representatives for help.

Below are the links to each individual course lessons. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can return to take each individual class.

ProBartending Course
Online Bartending Class with Certificate

Skilled bartender instructors teach the ins and outs of the craft during online bartending classes

Online classes teach professional bartending techniques.

  • This online class and certificate is recognized in all 50 states.The class serves as a great first step towards getting students into the industry for those looking to learn how make popular drinks

  • Advanced Bartending Course
    Advanced Bartender Certificate Course

    This comprehensive online course covers a wide range of skills and knowledge areas essential for becoming an advanced master bartender.

    • All online course modules.
    • 24-hour access to course materials and instructor support.

    Flair Bartending Course Materials

    Online Flair Bartending Course with Certificate

    New bartender students learn the basics of bartending while more experienced bartenders hone their skills during flair course.

    • Video Bartending Course: for beginners who end up as a professional with a certificate.
    • Flair Bartending Course: for more advanced bartenders; they learn advanced skills, such as bottle flipping.

    Check out our Professional Bartending T-shirts and Professional Bartenders School mugs, hats and more in our online campus store. Click Here